Monday, 31 January 2011

Dedicated to the slYAACer

Howdy y'all (this western thing is really catching on). India here to give you another cheeky update from the lovely YAAC crew.

Sorry for the slightly late post, but we can all blame the slYAACer Mr Haslam for this, see what i did there?

Anyway, on to business. Last tuesday we met as usual at Arnolfini to finalise our products for our b-e-a-utiful WIFI corner. The stressful, dreaded retake exams pulled me away from our YAAC meeting the week before, so I thought I had a lot of thinking, cutting, sewing and scribbling in charcoal to catch up on, but low and behold my colleagues had done a fantastic job, and had already began creating our final pieces from the sea of ideas that we came up with!!!! It's all fiiiiinnnnally coming together for our 'Preview' next weekend (which you are all cordially invited to) and looking darn good if I don't say so myself!! So, to finish off here are a few pictures of what we got up to last week, Enjoy!

Yes, this is our beautiful flyer to advertise 'Wake Up And Smell The Dental Floss' and Yes, we did make it ourselves.

Hannah & Anna creating our huge
felt clock
The lovely Esther cutting and sticking the numbers
 and letters for our clock.

Katie cutting the felt letters
(I think we have a felt obsession now)
Mine and Esther's (some plain, some charcoaled) city
 scape of paper bag with gold leafed windows.
Ciaran heard Ella did some stitching on the clock so
thought he would check out his competition.
Another picture of the cute felt sentences, devised
from our lovely public
Esther and Charlie making our sweet fairy light lanterns

So get yourself down to the Arnolfini cafe this Saturday to check out our marvellous creations and oogle at our dashing, decadent designs. Ciao, Bisous. India xxx

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