Tuesday, 1 February 2011

hi, slYAACer here and get ready for a double dip as i am here to tell you about both today and the week before lasts session.

17th of jan!

firstly looking back to the 17th. the session was on monday at school because hannah had a very exciting exhibition up in Edinburgh during the week. unfortunately quite a few missed it because of exams but we cracked on non the less. we pretty much finalised our ideas for the wifi corner to: Anna and Connels big felt clock, katie's paper balloon fairy light covers and sentences cut out of felt. we were still unsure about some other ideas such as the city scape and dental floss stitched into paper bags. Charlie (the other one) and ella got to work on our brilliant flyers which im sure you've seen about.

1st of feb

Today was installation day. We have finally finished the wifi corner and it is looking grand. pictures to come! also me, Charlie (c-t) and ella took pictures of all our vinyl lettering, which has been blessing the walls of the arnolfini for a while now, because it is getting taken down in the run up for cosima's exhibition. http://www.arnolfini.org.uk/whatson/exhibitions/details/883

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